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File List | 1994-05-16 | 49.5 KB | 635 lines |
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ 36 - BBS Doors │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- 1_BLACK.ZIP 18310 02-01-94 Blacklist security door: PCE 1.0.
- 2002V2B3.ZIP 584049 03-20-94 Trade Wars 2.0 door game.
- 2002V2B4.ZIP 602622 02-18-94 Tradewars 2002 2.0b4: Door game.
- | This Beta Release fixes the Galactic
- | Bank free money bug.
- 7D_123.ZIP 199815 02-18-94 On the Seventh Day: Door game for
- | BBS'.
- ACHAT100.ZIP 26905 03-13-94 ANSI Chatting BBS Door, great chatter
- | for 2 nodes AND a local SysOp.
- AGECHK11.ZIP 89794 02-03-94 AgeCheck! Door 1.1: Check users age
- | before door entry. Works with DOOR.SYS
- | drop files as long as birthdate info is
- | valid. Supports various COM ports, non-
- | standard IRQ's, fossil drivers, and
- | more! A free utility program from T&J
- | Software.
- AIEDOOR.ZIP 1440 03-19-94 Pop-up pick list RIP Door Menu.
- ANN37.ZIP 91444 02-15-94 The Announcement Door! 3.7. Send a
- | screen of your choice/design before or
- | after your real door. Helps you thank
- | users for registering the door, or nudge
- | them to help. Supports all major BBS's,
- | COM 1-15, non-standard IRQ's, multi-node
- | & DESQ-view aware.
- ASPCB314.ZIP 274733 02-08-94 AutoScribe PCB 3.14. AutoScribe PCB
- | 3.14 is a Subscription credit card door
- | for PCB. ASPCB is Faster and uses
- | ACTUAL dbases to track data. (Subscrip-
- | tion and User info!). Can use Online
- | Verification (Using TelePC!), Allows
- | TOTAL config for EACH Sec Levels! Chg
- | Sec Lvl, Exp Sec Lvl, Dates, Up/Dn lds!
- | Create your own Invoices/Receipts with
- | @Code.
- AVB26.ZIP 114706 02-10-94 ANSI Voting Booth Door 2.6 for all BBS
- | types! Supports COM1-15, DESQview-
- | aware, non-standard IRQ's, colorful ANSI
- | screens. This is great for online
- | competition between your users on their
- | favorite ANSI screens. Keeps a tally of
- | votes for each screen, etc. Also has
- | support for fossil drivers T&J Software!
- BACKSN20.ZIP 148055 03-02-94 Back Soon! 2.0 <ASP> Message-taking/
- | Screen saving utility. Displays
- | scrolling message (out to lunch, back in
- | 5, etc.) on your monitor. Optionally
- | alternates your message with music
- | and/or animated graphics. Visitors can
- | leave a message for you which you can
- | later retrieve, print, or save to disk.
- | Automatically stamps messages left with
- | date/time. Event Scheduler included.
- BASKET2.ZIP 111929 02-15-94 Basketball door game.
- BBDICE19.ZIP 178710 03-22-94 Baseball Dice 1.9: Door game. Most
- | BBS types supported. InterBBS Capable.
- BRE0955.ZIP 338057 03-02-94 Barren Realms Elite 0.955: Door game.
- BW300MX2.ZIP 365737 03-25-94 The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door 3.00
- | for Maximus/2. This version of the mail
- | door is compatible with Maximus 2.00 and
- | 2.01wb for OS/2. You must be running
- | OS/2 2.0 or higher, as this is a 32-bit
- | program. Contains massive amounts of
- | features, including internal protocols,
- | new message packing options, more limits
- | and controls for the SysOp, and
- | internal NEWFILE list generator.
- BWLSOL11.ZIP 138568 03-24-94 BBS Bowling Solitaire 1.1.
- BWLSOL12.ZIP 139134 02-07-94 BOWLING SOLITAIRE 1.2: Online BBS
- | Game.
- CBOX26.ZIP 118432 02-22-94 ChatBox 2.6. The original PCB "SPLIT
- | SCREEN" chat. Sysop may start chat -
- | caller may page. Horizontal or vertical
- | split screen. SEAMLESS. Configuration
- | page times, sounds and screen colors.
- | DESQview, fossil, & non-standard com
- | support. Highly configurable with many
- | Sysop options. Use with the "O" command
- | to page the Sysop. Sysop may initiate
- | a ChatBox chat using F10.
- CBVT230B.ZIP 103287 02-23-94 Callback Verifier for T.A.G., faster
- | dupe searching.
- CDCAR_11.ZIP 42424 03-19-94 CD Carrousel 1.1 Max/2 Offline CD File
- | Request Door & Related Sysop Utility.
- | Bugs Fixed.
- CDSUB50.ZIP 109048 03-10-94 CDSub 5.0: BBS door that allows callers
- | to attempt winning a FREE subscription
- | to BBS Callers Digest or buy online with
- | their Visa/MasterCard. SysOp gets FREE
- | listing as authorized BBS.
- CHKPKG10.ZIP 9034 02-26-94 The Checker Package 1.0: PPE. The
- | best Registration Utility available.
- | This package of .PPE files will allow
- | you to create, check, and give options
- | according to the registration status.
- | These .PPEs are the best supported out
- | there.
- CLBKV351.ZIP 80364 03-05-94 MYCALBK 3.51 - callback verifier door
- | for RBBS-PC.
- COMPREAD.ZIP 47281 02-09-94 Door Reader for Comp-U-Mag Magazine.
- CONV_15.ZIP 94767 02-08-94 Convince! Door 1.5 Help convince your
- | users to register the door they are
- | about to play. Will give them a message
- | after playing the door so many times!
- | Supports all major BBS's, COM0-15,
- | multi-node and DESQview aware, easy
- | configuration, and also supports fossil
- | drivers!
- CRAZDV12.ZIP 49773 02-12-94 Crazy Dice Door 1.2! for BBS's Good
- | Game of chance, Using Six Dice and take
- | chances Rolling for more or Play it
- | safe. Registered Uses a Configuration
- | file allowing the sysop to set how many
- | turns you get or how many games per day!
- | Saves Highest Score info as Last Months
- | Champ in scores!
- CREDIT24.ZIP 124395 02-03-94 CREDIT Card PPE 2.04: Credit Card
- | Subscription PPE program Accepts MOST
- | major CREDIT CARDS. Configure/Customize
- | everything. Allows
- CSV256.ZIP 136415 02-20-94 CSVerify: Callback Verification Door
- | for PCBoard 14.5 or greater. Many SysOp
- | Options for configuration. Modifies
- | users record upon successful verifi-
- | cation with security levels you provide.
- CVLWAR48.ZIP 112065 02-08-94 Civil War Door Game 4.8: Supports
- | multiple BBS formats/ANSI/HST/99 Nodes.
- DCHASE10.ZIP 104922 02-20-94 Deluxe Chase 1.0: Graphical ANSI Door
- | for most BBS'.
- DEEP_20.ZIP 27863 02-22-94 Deep Thoughts 2.0 By Jack Handy. Show
- | Your Users a "Deep Thought of the Day"
- | each time they log-in! Easy to install,
- | colorful and funny! Inspired by
- | Saturday Night Live!
- DISNEY10.ZIP 126867 03-02-94 Disney Trivia 1.0 A BBS door program
- | concerning trivia about Walt Disney and
- | His cartoon characters. Now creates RIP
- | graphic bulletins. Another BBS Door
- | program from SC Software.
- DRMAPT13.ZIP 67205 02-21-94 Adopt Me! 1.3: The 'Door Adoption'
- | Concept. Ask your users for donations
- | to adopt your unregistered doors. Just
- | run this program in a batch file before
- | or after the door. If adopted, a thank
- | you message is shown. Now with Rip!
- | Supports all the most popular BBS'.
- DRMORD10.ZIP 119617 03-15-94 DreamORDER 1.0: The ULTIMATE Online
- | Catalog/Order Door! Let your users
- | order your merchandise online! 6
- | definable shipping methods, takes credit
- | card numbers, calculates order totals,
- | VERY flexible setup! Allows downloading
- | of total catalog. Multi-Node
- | compatible!
- DRMORD13.ZIP 109579 02-03-94 DreamORDER 1.3: The ULTIMATE Online
- | Catalog/Order Door. Let your users
- | order your merchandise online! 6
- | definable shipping methods, takes credit
- | card numbers (definable), calculates
- | order totals. Allows downloading of
- | total catalog.
- DSMTES.ZIP 81756 02-16-94 DSM Door Screen Manager 1.1! A great
- | door menuing system for your Wildcat/PCB
- | BBS. Shows door number,description of
- | Door, Last User,times used, and last
- | date and time used! DSM is also sysop
- | configurablewith colors and backgrounds.
- | Very easy to install onto your BBS. 5
- | Second Delay until registered.
- DW291B.ZIP 53338 02-16-94 DoorWorks 2.91b: GT BBS Door
- | Management.
- EAGLE102.ZIP 279163 02-19-94 Upgrade Eagle Enterprise Charge Door and
- | Subscription service. Let us take care
- | of all your subscriptions and Shareware
- | sales. Each user will be handled one on
- | one. We do this for security reasons.
- ECC_21.ZIP 131184 02-21-94 ECC 2.1: Esterian Conquest BBS Game
- | DOOR Commander; GUI Interface.
- EDSBK100.ZIP 68908 03-25-94 EDSBack 1.00 Beta Release 1 - Callback
- | Verifier.
- ENQUIR63.ZIP 114152 03-04-94 Enquirer type Headlines Door For
- | Log-on.
- EZHANG11.ZIP 135986 03-21-94 EZ-Hang 1.1: Great Hangman style game.
- | Supports most BBS types.
- FACTS35.ZIP 108766 03-04-94 Facts 3.5: The door that test your
- | knowledge. Similar to TV's Jeopardy.
- | Multi-BBS, Multi-node, handles baud rate
- | to 115K. Configure the # of plays and
- | can now show answers. Entire game now
- | played from game menu. Fixed the score
- | and register displays. Fossil Driver
- | aware. COM ports 0-15. Works with /M.
- | Updating BLT error is Fixed. Now works
- | in local mode for testing.
- FAMOUS18.ZIP 99537 03-05-94 Famous Celebrities 1.8: Can you guess
- | what Celebrity name that was picked?
- | Multi/BBS node and handles bauds to
- | 115k. Fossil Driver aware and needs no
- | run time file. Sysop selects to give
- | correct answer or not. Now handles
- | com-ports 0-15! Fixed the NO ANSI
- | errors. Works with fossil drivers and
- | in local mode.
- FDH_100.ZIP 58218 02-26-94 FDHist 1.00: FD History File Analysis
- | Door. Let user view recent FD mailer
- | activity. Supports the DORINFO1.DEF
- | door file format.
- FEUD25.ZIP 101929 03-27-94 Feud 2.5: Game similar to TV's Family
- | Feud. Allows players only 3 strikes to
- | be out. Multi-BBS/node and handles baud
- | rates to 115K. Now Fossil Driver Aware.
- | Fixed the bulletin reports plus much
- | more. COM-ports 0-15. Fixed the NO
- | ANSI.
- FLBDV120.ZIP 275756 02-12-94 Fantasy League Baseball Door 1.20.
- GPWAR091.ZIP 103611 02-01-94 Geo-Political Warfare 0.91: An online
- | game like SRE. Full screen ANSI. Each
- | player must take on many economic,
- | military, or diplomatic problems. The
- | only way to win is by trading with other
- | players and becoming well prepared for
- | the military showdown.
- GRID30B.ZIP 121054 02-27-94 NavGrid 3.0b: RIP Naval battle door
- | game.
- GTABSV14.ZIP 133009 02-06-94 GAPTABS 1.4: Telephone Access Billing
- | Service. TABS A 100% automatic
- | subscription door. Through use of a
- | 900# Billing service, this door takes
- | the work and hassle out of
- | subscriptions. Users call a 900# for a
- | code and use the door to get upgraded
- | instantly. They are then billed by their
- | Phone Company! No Startup costs. You
- | just can't lose! Sign up today!
- GWALL10.ZIP 87691 02-04-94 THE GRAFFITI WALL 1.0: This is a door
- | program that allows the users of your
- | BBS to post small anonymous messages on
- | a "graffiti wall". Easy to install and
- | maintain. Many features for the SysOp.
- | Supports all major BBS types.
- HAWAII19.ZIP 99616 02-07-94 HAWAIIAN TRIVIA 1.9: BBS Trivia Game.
- | Asks the caller a series of questions on
- | the Famous People, Famous Places, and
- | Famous Dates in Hawaiian History.
- | Educational and fun for all ages.
- HERALD11.ZIP 97613 03-03-94 BBS Herald 1.1 Initial Release! An
- | announcement type door for BBSs. SysOps
- | may display a text or RIPscrip type
- | screen to their users before of after
- | doors or as DOS hooks on the various BBS
- | systems. Another BBS Door from PAROLE
- | Software and Dennis Maidon. Supports
- | RIPscrip!
- HISTRY11.ZIP 129024 03-12-94 American History Trivia 1.1 Update! A
- | BBS door program based on the history of
- | North America. Supports RIPscrip
- | Graphics, COM1-4, IRQ 0-15, Fossils and
- | PCB/WC! Environment variables. Also
- | creates full color bulletins in ASCII/
- | ANSI, WC!3.x and PCB special color
- | codes. Locked DTE rates to 115200.
- | Copyright 1991-94, PAROLE Software all
- | rights reserved.
- IBBS23.ZIP 51658 03-23-94 InterBBS Module 2.3: For Sunrise
- | Doors.
- ICUPD263.ZIP 525626 03-04-94 IconUpDater 2.63: RIP Icon Login
- | Downloader.
- IM100.ZIP 60933 02-24-94 I'm Here 1.00: Multi-Line User
- | announcer.
- IRT210.ZIP 177548 02-26-94 I Remember That...! (Door Game) 2.10
- | Trivia Game that user attempts to guess
- | the year an event took place. No
- | nightly maintance is required. Requires
- | ANSI. New capability for the user's to
- | add additional questions. Sysop Editor!
- | Now uses DOORFRAME Library, supporting
- | Non-Standard Comport & IRQ's.
- JSGO130.ZIP 203975 03-05-94 Galactic Overlord 1.30: BBS Door Game.
- JVTIME15.ZIP 37388 02-09-94 JVTime SLBBS Time Vault Door 1.5B:
- | Seamless SLBBS TimeVault door. Looks
- | and Feels exactly like Searchlight. Your
- | users will think that Frank added the
- | time vault himself. New in this version
- | are a configuration file for user time
- | limits and a SysOp function to Edit/View
- | user accounts and change to Custom
- | Colors.
- KING814U.ZIP 245357 02-16-94 King of the Board 8.14: Trivia Game
- | for most BBS Systems. Over 500
- | Registered SysOps. Supports Fossil
- | Drivers, Non Standard IRQs. Now menu
- | Driven! This is the complete package.
- | Read !KING.NEW for changes.
- KM300L.ZIP 122742 03-25-94 Kmail 3.00lb: QWK compatible mail door
- | for PCB 14.5: Supports 1024 confer-
- | ences, file sharing/locking for
- | networks, uses PCB's TPA interface. Net
- | & fossil support. Note: 60 day demo
- | key must be downloaded from author's BBS
- | to enable full use of the program.
- | Fully updated for PCB 15.x.
- LEARN15.ZIP 99020 02-07-94 LEARN HAWAIIAN 1.5: BBS Door Game.
- | Asks the caller a series of questions on
- | the Hawaiian Words, Hawaiian Phrases,
- | and Hawaiian Sentences. Educational and
- | Fun.
- LORD302.ZIP 298609 02-16-94 Legend Of the Red Dragon BBS door game.
- | Version 3.02! Now is Multi-Node capable
- | and RIPed!! A cool Door Game that BBS
- | users go nuts for. This archive is
- | direct from the author. Includes Game
- | and RIP Icons archives.
- LOTERY48.ZIP 106333 03-09-94 Lottery Door 4.8: Players can win at
- | Pick-3 or Pick-4. You can set the
- | prizes that they win and also set the
- | amount of times in the door per day!
- | Multi-BBS, Multi-node, bauds to 115K.
- | Fossil Driver aware and NO other file
- | needed to run door. Com-ports 0-15 Now
- | runs in local mode for testing.
- LUCKY20.ZIP 98614 03-18-94 Lucky-7 2.0: Let callers buy some
- | lotto tickets and bank time. You set
- | the cost per ticket, winning odds & max
- | to save in the Online Time Bank! Now
- | fossil driver/DV aware and will run on
- | most all BBS Softwares, runs at 115K
- | baud, multi-node, etc.
- LW101.ZIP 34682 02-21-94 LASTWORD 1.01: Simple BBS quote door.
- MAG13.ZIP 196398 03-11-94 Magazine Subscription DOOR 1.3: SysOps
- | earn $1 for each magazine sold, plus one
- | free magazine subscription. ANSI ONLY!
- | Over 800 titles to choose from. Users
- | can order by credit card or check. Very
- | sophisticated and easy to use. Supports
- | DOOR.SYS, DORINFO.DEF, and others.
- | Works with any BBS software. Simple to
- | install. Quick and easy way to earn
- | money for your BBS. Multi-Node aware.
- MANDOWN2.ZIP 97984 03-01-94 ManDown 1.2. Force callers to download
- | your registration!
- MATCHM23.ZIP 237241 02-20-94 GAP BBS MATCH DOOR 2.3. Welcome to the
- | world of The Match Maker! Door program
- | written for GAP or any BBS using a
- | DOOR.SYS file. Allows users to match up
- | with each other based on responses given
- | to questions you set-up. Nice look.
- | Configurable for your BBS's individual
- | feel/theme.
- MEK130.ZIP 108487 02-05-94 RIP BBS Game Door 1.30.
- MMAKER40.ZIP 337086 02-10-94 Match Maker II 4.0: Online BBS Door.
- | Allows for the matching of callers with
- | like interests. Up to 100 questions:
- | Desired Match, Self-Description
- | questionnaires. Send/Receive private
- | messages, attach pictures to user
- | profiles! Download questions and
- | Pictures, Upload answers! Multiple
- | answers per question! Exchange of user
- | and message bases with other BBS'.
- MOVTRV37.ZIP 139683 03-26-94 MovieTime Trivia 3.7 No Expiration. A
- | BBS door program relating to trivia
- | questions about the movie industry. Now
- | creates RIP bulletins and has a RIPSCRIP
- | interface.
- MW19G.ZIP 360357 03-22-94 Mech Warriors Door Game 1.19g.
- NIXG100A.ZIP 71670 02-26-94 NIX/Gate 1.0: BBS Door which acts as a
- | DOS-to-UNIX gateway. Provide access to
- | Internet and Usenet to your BBS callers!
- NWUSR006.ZIP 104592 03-17-94 The NewUser Door: DOS hooks,
- | downloads, RIP support.
- OCCPS22.ZIP 7040 02-22-94 Online Credit Card Processing System
- | 2.2: PPE program to allow online
- | registration processing via credit cards
- | or optionally to download a REGISTER.ZIP
- | file for mail-in registrations. Writes
- | CHARGE.LOG file with all the information
- | needed to verify and process credit card
- | transactions. Also writes program
- | usage information to the CALLER log for
- | tracking purposes.
- OCLTRV1.ZIP 117884 03-10-94 Occult Trivia BBS Door game that let the
- | user choose from 5 categories of trivia.
- | Occult Trivia is compatible with most
- | BBS software it will handle no standard
- | IRQ'S and fossil drivers. Requires
- | BRUN45.EXE which is included in this
- | archive. By Graveyard Software.
- ONEARM12.ZIP 7896 03-04-94 One Armed Bandit 1.2: PCB PPE game
- | that simulates the playing of a slot
- | machine. No maintenance required. No
- | configuration files required. Quick &
- | easy install via CMD.LST and/or
- | DOORS.LST. Req: PCB 15.1.
- OO100_1.ZIP 483167 02-23-94 Operation Overkill 1.00: BBS Door
- | game. (1 of 2)
- OO100_2.ZIP 468491 03-27-94 Operation Overkill 1.00: BBS Door
- | game. (2 of 2)
- O_QWK11.ZIP 81916 03-26-94 QWK mail door for use with Opus 1.7
- | from Portugal. Many upgrades.
- PEGJMP24.ZIP 97714 03-04-94 Peg Jump 2.4. A logic puzzle game
- | similar to the classic Hi-Que peg
- | puzzle. Object is to jump the pegs in
- | such a way as to leave only one peg,
- | preferably in the center hole. Supports
- | most BBS software, multi-node, COM 0-15,
- | 115K Baud, and non-standard IRQ's. Now
- | supports multi-port boards using FOSSIL
- | drivers including PCBoard/M!. A
- | Livewire Door. Runs in local mode.
- PERIGEE.ZIP 242755 02-26-94 This is a simulation of The On-Line
- | Sales Door. Written with Grasp. This
- | simulator will give you a complete
- | overview of what The On-Line Sales
- | Database does and all of the information
- | you need to know before you try the
- | software. Requires: 386DX/VGA.
- PITTXT.ZIP 4474 03-12-94 Brand New from Phil Carrano for the Pit
- | door game. A Listing and description of
- | each weapon, armor, and magical item in
- | the game. Great to prevent a level
- | drain mishap. Electronic Publisher
- | Listing Data for January, 1994.
- POG11.ZIP 8172 03-02-94 Pot Of Gold 1.1: PCBoard .PPE game of
- | chance. Try your luck at this fun game.
- | No maintenance required. No configura-
- | tion files required. Quick & easy
- | install via CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST.
- | Requires: PCBoard 15.1.
- PPOSTV1.ZIP 69309 02-11-94 ProPost 1.00: Powerful Autopost door
- | generates ASCII/ANSI/RIP text file,
- | replace those obsolete message to next
- | caller doors. Multi-node aware. Fully
- | configurable.
- PV_45.ZIP 124660 02-02-94 Prize Vault Door 4.5: Time door for
- | WC.
- RACES30.ZIP 100105 03-10-94 Races 3.0: A horse racing game to let
- | players bet all their points away.
- | Multi-BBS, Multi-node, baud rates up to
- | 115K, Fossil DriverDV aware. Game
- | played from one Main Menu for a faster
- | game. It now has a Color toggle!
- | Com-ports 0-15. Now runs in local mode.
- REGDOR31.ZIP 132519 03-03-94 Registration Door for WildCat!
- RIPCHECK.ZIP 10979 02-13-94 Checks for RIP and correctly puts it in
- | Door.
- RIPSS100.ZIP 146852 03-01-94 RIP Slide Show 1.0: RIP BBS Door for
- | viewing Multiple RIP screens. Offers a
- | 40-RIP file database. Includes a menu
- | driven, easy setup program. Easily
- | import Pre-Configured RIP databases,
- | with an easy and time saving setup
- | program. Works with just about any BBS
- | package that can create the 52 line
- | DOOR.SYS file like WC.
- ROMD31UP.ZIP 201223 02-07-94 Only the EXE's needed to Upgrade
- | ROMdoor 3.02 to 3.10.
- RQUEST21.ZIP 78249 03-19-94 Request Room Tape door for use with
- | Colorado Systems Major Bug fix.
- RTBS22.ZIP 118543 03-03-94 Real-Time Battleship 2.2.
- RTCHES24.ZIP 120614 03-10-94 Real-Time Chess 2.4.
- RTCKRS27.ZIP 108665 03-04-94 Real-Time Checkers 2.7.
- RTCON20.ZIP 111501 03-20-94 Real-Time Connect 2.0: Play Connect 4
- | online in real-time against a human!
- | You may also choose the one-move-at-a-
- | time option or play against the
- | computer. Game save for all 3 options.
- | Supports most BBS software, multinode,
- | COM 0-15, 115K Baud, & non-standard
- | IRQ's. Now supports multi-port boards
- | using FOSSIL drivers.
- RTOTH22.ZIP 109334 03-14-94 Real-Time Othello 2.2.
- RTP181.ZIP 133183 02-27-94 RISE TO POWER Door Game 1.81 Game of
- | intrigue in 15th Century Germany. Using
- | treachery, diplomacy, marriage, and
- | other strategies common to the middle
- | ages can you become king & unite Germany
- | in this Machiavellian game? Supports
- | most popular BBS Software packages,
- | including PC Board 15 & WildCat 3.9.
- | RIP-aware, does not require a fossil,
- | supports nonstandard interrupts, etc.
- RTP183.ZIP 135588 02-02-94 RISE TO POWER Door Game 1.83: Game of
- | intrigue in 15th Century Germany. Using
- | treachery, diplomacy, marriage, & other
- | strategies common to the middle ages,
- | can you become king and unite Germany in
- | this Machiavellian game? Supports most
- | BBS software packages, including PCB 15
- | & WC 3.9. RIP aware, no fossil requir-
- | ed, supports non-standard interrupts,
- | COM ports 0-15, and up to 115k baud.
- SCHMZ12.ZIP 134803 03-02-94 Schmooz 1.2: BBS Game Door. Will blow
- | you away! Highly addictive game that
- | challenges the mind! Users can chat
- | with each other while playing. Very
- | competitive game for just about any BBS
- | system!
- SFATM210.ZIP 59273 03-07-94 2.10 RIP SPITFIRE Time Bank and More.
- SFCB14C.ZIP 204331 02-19-94 SPITFIRE Callback Validation Program
- | 1.14c.
- SFREQ098.ZIP 90888 03-24-94 SF-Request 98 File Request Door.
- SLCB.ZIP 46624 02-03-94 SLCB 1.0: Call Back Validator.
- SONGS29.ZIP 103265 03-24-94 Songs 2.9: Game that allows players to
- | get first line of a song and then guess
- | what the tune is! Multi/BBS/node, baud
- | rates to 115K, Fossil Driver/DV aware.
- | COM ports 0-15. Now faster play from
- | one menu and you select number of songs
- | per entry. Now runs in local mode.
- SQ_V291.ZIP 133086 02-24-94 Space Quest 2112: Great Space Adventure
- | Simulation to play on any BBS. Command
- | your Galaxy Class Star Cruiser from the
- | Virtual Reality type ANSI Bridge. You
- | can Actually see the planets and ships
- | as you blow them up. Form alliances,
- | construct Space cities. Over 250,000
- | unique space locations. Includes ANSI
- | Sound Support. Has Built in internal
- | serial routines.
- SR201.ZIP 223055 02-07-94 Space Race (Door Game) 2.01: Try to
- | become the strongest empire. Very
- | challenging due to movement taking place
- | in using a 3-D area. Now uses DOORFRAME
- | Library, supporting Non-Standard Comport
- | & IRQs.
- SRE0992B.ZIP 296759 02-14-94 Solar Realms Elite 0.992b Door game.
- STORY_11.ZIP 11412 03-10-94 Story door for BBSs.
- SUPRIG54.ZIP 151959 02-10-94 Super Rig Door Game 5.4: Supports most
- | BBS types.
- S_I_301.ZIP 182545 02-26-94 Steel & Ice Hockey 3.01. Welcome to
- | the next level of online sports
- | simulations! Latest update to a great
- | hockey online includes a roster of 520
- | NHL players, Anaheim/Florida, more
- | statistics, more ability scores, and
- | expanded game play. Supports
- | DORINFOx.DEF/DOOR.SYS, full screen
- | ANSI/Avatar only. (c) 1992-93 Minds
- | Edge Productions Inc.
- TB2B_S1.ZIP 5858 03-22-94 TB2B&S - The TRIBBS.SYS to DOORFILE.SR
- | converter. A quick and efficient
- | program to enable easier setup of the
- | Baron Realms Elite and Solar Reals Elite
- | door games on a TriBBS BBS. By Paul
- | Hirsch.
- TCMDE362.ZIP 88535 03-13-94 The Cat's Meow Door Executive 3.62:
- | Creates a Menu for all your Doors & PPE
- | programs. Run PPE & Doors from a menu!
- | Totally Sysop Configurable. Optionally
- | categorizes your doors for easier
- | access. Display by category or all at
- | once!
- TDOORLIB.ZIP 9383 03-01-94 The TANSTAFL BBS Door Library: List of
- | 250 of the all time best doors for BBS
- | SysOps. If you are a door author, send
- | a copy of your door to the distributor
- | of this list,
- THEHACK3.ZIP 124451 02-01-94 Door Game! Users think they are
- | HACKING other BBS's through yours!
- TKTES.ZIP 245633 02-15-94 Trivial King 3.9: Lets users compete
- | for points from a database of over 1800
- | questions! Supports COM 1-4 with
- | various IRQs. All options are
- | completely sysop configurable! It
- | features an 1800 question database.
- | Supports Multi-BBS'.
- TMASTR43.ZIP 136346 02-13-94 Trivia Master Door Game 4.3.
- TREK44.ZIP 112449 03-18-94 Trek Trivia 4.4: Allows callers to
- | choose between Original Series, TNG or
- | Deep Space 9 Trivia. Multi/Node/BBS.
- | Fossil DriverDV Aware. Com-Ports 0-15.
- | Bauds to 115K. Also added a BONUS round
- | for winners. Sysop now configures
- | number of questions.
- TRIRYU20.ZIP 76068 03-16-94 TriRankYourUsers 2.0: A utility for
- | TriBBS 5.x and above. Do you want an
- | active BBS? Make BBSing more fun for
- | your users! TriRYU lets your users
- | compete in a door-style rank system,
- | letting them obtain higher access by
- | posting and uploading! NEW: Customize
- | the colors in the display screen,
- | configure the number of lines to be
- | displayed per screen, and more.
- TVTRIV26.ZIP 111101 03-16-94 TvTrivia 2.6: Players get to choose
- | from 5 different TV shows for the all
- | the trivia. You can enhance it also &
- | select how many times played etc. It is
- | multi/node/BBS, bauds to 115K. Fossil
- | driver/DV aware. Com-ports 0-15.
- TWMAD088.ZIP 194857 02-06-94 The Mad Hatter's TW2002 Universe
- | Expander 0. A utility for the Trade
- | Wars 2002 BBS door game. Unregistered
- | version allows you to hook 2 universes
- | together giving a total of 2 sectors for
- | your players to use. The register ver-
- | sion allows for up to 20,000 sectors,
- | and Intra-Universal Stardock.
- TYAHTZ60.ZIP 215826 02-24-94 TRIPLE YAHTZEE Door Game 6.0.
- UNIBANK.ZIP 107776 03-02-94 Time Bank door for DOOR.SYS types.
- UNRIP.ZIP 35430 02-07-94 UNRIP: Fixes DOOR.SYS for non-RIP
- | doors.
- USBDOR53.ZIP 116222 03-02-94 PCB door to display/search USBBS list
- | 5.3. Also includes offline USBBS
- | searcher/viewer.
- U_SET114.ZIP 79799 03-23-94 User Setup Door 1.14 for Remote Access
- | 2.00: Now with language support.
- VPBLT129.ZIP 31626 02-16-94 VPlusBLT 1.29: Bulletin Generator For
- | Use With The Voter Plus Door 1.70ß and
- | later ONLY. Generates a PCB-like
- | Bulletin File Or Separate ACSII/ANSI
- | Files Of The Voting Results. Simple To
- | Set-Up.
- VPDOOR11.ZIP 85306 02-01-94 The latest version of VPDOOR, the Free
- | BBS Door interface for VGA Planets.
- | This version includes, among other
- | things, the ability to compress and
- | transfer all of a player's results files
- | at once. If you are running VGAP on
- | your BBS, get this program!
- VSLOTS12.ZIP 93134 02-12-94 Video Slots RIP Slot Machine Game 1.2.
- WC_CHG14.ZIP 92593 02-12-94 WC-CHARGE 1.04: Charge Door for
- | Wildcat.
- WHODUN52.ZIP 214905 03-07-94 Who-Dunit! Multinode/Interactive Clue
- | Type Mystery Game! The Original!
- WIO106.ZIP 101997 02-06-94 Who Is Online Door 1.06: For RA 2.00.
- WMAIL453.ZIP 149100 03-21-94 WWIVMail/QWK 4.53 QWK mail door for
- | WWIV version 4.23.
- WORDC_36.ZIP 211613 03-06-94 Word Challenge 3.6: BBS Door Game.
- ZWORDZ21.ZIP 145391 02-18-94 Z-WORDZ 2.1: Multi-BBS Door Program.